Thursday 29 December 2011

bicing will open two hours longer on weekdays

via Bicing amplía el horario nocturno tras cerrar el año con un 30% más de viajes :
"El servicio municipal de alquiler de bicicletas "Bicing" ampliará dos horas más el horario entre semana, hasta las 2 de la madrugada, después de cerrar 2011 con un aumento del 30 por ciento de los viajes, ha informado hoy el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona."
Some other interesting bits from the article:
  • Compared with 2010 data, this year there have been 30 percent more trips, so that a bike uses have increased from 11.1 to 14.6 million.
  • One measure is to introduce advertising on the bicycles, for which the City is already negotiating with some interested advertisers 

The announcement of the change in hours is also available on the bicing website.

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