Tuesday 24 January 2012

Sightline Daily: Two Wheels and High Heels

via Sightline Daily: Two Wheels and High Heels:
"Bike-share programs are sweeping the world but not, as yet, Cascadia. They are very successful at boosting bike numbers. Apparently, people used to point and stare if you were pedaling in Barcelona. Bicing, Barcelona’s bike share program, has changed that in just a few years. Bicing started in 2007 and quickly tripled cycling trips according to Miquel Ruscalleda, who directs Barcelona’s cycling efforts."
 Very good article with an overview of cycling in cities all over the world.

I can confirm the pointing and staring happening a few years ago in Barcelona.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Bizi Zaragoza: 3.2 million bicycle trips in 2011

via heraldo.es "El servicio Bizi supera los 7 millones de usos desde su inicio":
 "En 2011, el servicio Bizi sumó 3.200.000 usos más y llegó a los 7 millones de desplazamientos, desde que comenzó en 2008. El año pasado, se amplió el servicio, llegando a 130 estaciones, 1.300 bicis y 39.000 abonados.
El Bizi comenzó en 2008 para le Expo, con 30 paradas, 300 bicicletas y un precio promocional de 6 euros. Tras la Expo, el abono anual pasó a 20 y ahora cuesta 25.

El incremento de usos ha sido progresivo: 220.000 en 2008, 1.480.000 en 2009, 2.100.000 en 2010 y 3.200.000, en 2011."

Wednesday 11 January 2012

bcn.cat: 26% rise in the number of accidents involving bicycles

via bcn.es - Traffic fatalities in the city drop by 20% :
"While motorcycle- and moped-related accidents have dropped by 1% and 16% respectively, the number of bicycle-related accidents has risen, representing 3% of all vehicles involved in accidents.
With more than 106,000 bicycle journeys made every day, bicycle-related accidents in the city have risen in number from close to 400 in 2010 to more than 520 in 2011, which corresponds to a 26% increase in their accident rate."

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Bicing cyclist killed by truck on cycle-lane

Via el pais: "Muere una ciclista en Barcelona arrollada por un camión"

The cyclist was using bicing on the cycle-lane on C/Diputació. The truck driver turned right crossing the lane and hitting the bicing user. The 49 year old woman was killed instantly.

More coverage: