Sunday 30 December 2007

even more stations

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  • c/ Calàbria, 135 cantonada amb Consell de Cent
  • c/ Sancho d'Àvila, 170 - 172 amb Roc Boronat
  • Can Bruixa, 14
  • c/ Pujades, 462 - 464
  • Davant Poliesportiu Mar Bella
  • Passeig de García i Fària, 85
  • c/ Joan Güell, 85
  • c/ Europa, 25 - 27
  • Pl. Valentí Almirall
  • Gran Via Corts Catalanes, 923 -929 amb Bilbao
  • c/ Pere IV, enfront del 360

El Bicing del área metropolitana se podrá financiar con publicidad

El Bicing del área metropolitana se podrá financiar con publicidad: "El actual diseño de las bicicletas y las paradas deberá adaptarse para poder lucir los anuncios • La red de préstamo se extenderá a las otras 17 ciudades de la EMT de forma conjunta en el 2009"

Thursday 27 December 2007

Culture And Society: Bicing Blues Not Such a Smooth Ride For The Launch of Barcelonas Bike

Culture And Society: Bicing Blues Not Such a Smooth Ride For The Launch of Barcelonas Bike Sharing System

More complaints about the bicing service. They are always the same: some broken bikes, not enough stations, bikes get stolen and other cities are doing better.

Just keep in mind that bicing is at the very beginning, it is still one of the first of this kind of services worldwide. And as mentioned in the article, Lyon got 1000 bikes stolen right at the beginning, I don't think Barcelona is anywhere near this figure. And compared to the Metro, trains or busses it is bloody reliable.

Bicing made Barcelona a better city for me. Of course I complain when there is no bike available or no space to park mine. But by now there are so many stations around that I usually walk to the next one. Since a few weeks you can also check on a station for the next stations with available spaces/bikes.

Is bicing a success or a failure? Judge by yourself, sit down on a bench in the city centre and count the bicing bicycles passing by. I also think that usage of other bicycles has increased since the start of bicing, maybe people got the taste for it and want to use proper bicycles now.

And what are the alternatives anyway? Move to France, stop using public bicycles or start your own service.

New stations announced

They don't seem to be on the google map yet
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  • Gran Via, 902 con Rambla Poble Nou, 166
  • Gran Via, 1178 con Rambla Prim
  • Gran Via, 1041 con c/ Selva de Mar
  • c/ Pujades, 311 -313 con c/ Fluvià
  • c/ Pujades, 173 - 175 con Rambla del Poble Nou
  • Av. Icària, 202
  • Av. Litoral, 40 con c/ Arquitecte Sert (2 estacions)
  • Av. Litoral con Jaume Vicens i Vives (2 estacions)
  • Av. Litoral, 84

Thursday 20 December 2007

Friday 14 December 2007

eleven new stations

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  • Diagonal, 82
  • Gran Vía 1062/ Selva de Mar
  • Gran Vía 1118/ Josep Pla
  • Gran Vía 1131/ Puigcerdá
  • Gran Vía 981/Bac de Roda (Muntanya)
  • Mejía Lequerica
  • Numancia, 212
  • Olzinelles, 92-96
  • Pujades, 121
  • Ramon Turro, 287
  • Sancho de Ávila, 60-64

Idean un nuevo sistema de Bicing que funciona con la zona azul de pago -

Idean un nuevo sistema de Bicing que funciona con la zona azul de pago - "Idean un nuevo sistema de Bicing que funciona con la zona azul de pago" "Urbikes" another bike sharing scheme. It doesn't look like it could compete with bicing, but any competition is good, right?

El Bicing cambiará sus luces defectuosas por otras provisionales durante esta semana

El Bicing cambiará sus luces defectuosas por otras provisionales durante esta semana:
Es una solución "provisional" --insistió Narváez-- que permitirá que las bicicletas tengan iluminación las próximas semanas, a la espera de que se empiecen a colocar unas linternas que funcionan con dinamo en la parte delantera de los ciclos, algo que se empezará a hacer "muy pronto".
It seems like the new lights for the bikes are just a temporary solution.

Wednesday 12 December 2007

Sala Bilingüe de Disecciones Elementales: Bicing...

Sala Bilingüe de Disecciones Elementales: Bicing

bicing send out a reminder again

It seems that people are still having problems with bikes getting used after they parked them in a station. (This is more or less directly from google translate)
Hello user, You remember that in the conditions of service use Bicing, specifies that the user is responsible for the bike from the moment that withdraws from a station until the anchoring correctly in the same station or on another station. The steps to return the bicycle are: - You identify an free anchor and make sure that the green light is on. - Plug the two-ball clamping located on the handlebars within anchorages. - Wait until the green light stops blinking and a red light fixed appears. - Make sure the bicycle has been firmly in place. - Should it blink between red and green, contact us at telephone 902 31 55 31. If you want to park at a station which is full, hold your card on the reader, it will show on the screen locations of the nearest stations with empty spaces. You will get extra 10 minutes at no extra charge to arrive at the station. If you follow these instructions correctly the system will recognize that you returned the bike properly. This will cost you only a few seconds and you save charges of penalties stipulated by the non-return of the bicycle: If excedes the usage time by more than 2 hours, the fee is 3 € / hour, and if not returning the bike in more than 24 hours, the penalty is 150 €. Sincerely, Customer Service
I have been lucky so far and have not been charged with penalties, but with the reliability of the system I wouldn't be surprised if I were. But I also notice that a lot of people plug in their bikes without waiting till the red light. Someone waiting at the station for a mistake like this can then easily steal or use this bike as much as he likes. So be careful.

bicing spotting

Highest bicing number seen
Number of uses by me
Longest use
34m (usually 5-15m)
Total time used
32h 57m

Monday 10 December 2007

Check bicing stations on your mobile

Pere says:
I've just developed an small application that allows Mobile Phone users to check any bicing station current occupation on the move. You can have a look at and read about it at If you like you can post about it also, or collaborate in expanding the project!
Sounds like a good idea. It is always annoying if you are arriving at a empty or full station and then have to find the next one. I am not much of a mobile user, but have a look for yourself.

more stations 4.+5. December

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A bit delayed this time, I was on the road.

  • Deu i Mata 56
  • Vallespir, 198
  • Diputació, 200
  • Espronceda, 124
  • Lepanto, 278 / Mallorca
  • C/Llull, 396
  • Pere IV, 383
  • Pujades, 209
  • Pujades, 55
  • Ramon Turro, 91

WorldChanging: Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future: Bicing in Barcelona

WorldChanging: Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future: Bicing in Barcelona: "The Bicing program is funded with 2.23 million euros a year in parking fees on drivers who park in the city center--a nice flip on the usual model (here in the US, at least) of funding roads by imposing taxes on everyone, including those who choose not to drive."

Sunday 25 November 2007

new lights for the bikes

It seems bicing has realized that the current lights on the bikes are a bit rubbish. Some of the newer ones now come with a new front light near the axle. This is also a better position if you have your basket full with shoping. The old light has been removed on these bikes.
bicing spotting: #3251

Friday 23 November 2007

Saltada Popular: Anti-bicing

It seeems that not everybody is quite as happy with bicing & the bicing company as I am. Saltada Popular: Anti-bicing: "Anti-bicing De los derechos hacen negocio. x x Como ha podido constatar la Saltada Popular, para gran alegría de propixs y extrañxs, desde hace aproximadamente siete meses parte de la suciadanía carcelonina* cuenta con un nuevo e innovador medio de transporte público: sí amigxs, se trata del bicing!"

Wednesday 21 November 2007

Bicing reaches 3.000.000 uses

Bicing: "EL SERVICIO BICING YA HA HECHO 3.000.000 DE USOS. Continuamos pedaleando. Entre todos ya hemos llegado a los 3.000.000 de usos. Continuamos pedaleando."

Tuesday 20 November 2007

Seguimiento de medios: prensa, radio, televisión, internet y análisis - ACCESO.COM

Concatel is to blame for the bicing website. Seguimiento de medios: prensa, radio, televisión, internet y análisis - ACCESO.COM: "CONCATEL HA DESARROLLADO EL PORTAL WEB PARA BICING Permite al usuario adquirir las tarjetas de abono para el nuevo medio de transporte público en bicicleta en Barcelona. La empresa Concatel, especializada en servicios de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación para las empresas, ha desarrollado el portal web para Bicing, el nuevo sistema público de transporte individual en bicicleta puesto en marcha en marzo por el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona y Barcelona Serveis Municipals, gestionado por Clear Channel. Concatel, además, realiza el alojamiento en sus instalaciones de toda la infraestructura tecnológica del sistema Bicing. La aplicación web, creada con el gestor de contenidos de Concatel Portal Framework ECM, permite al usuario el pago de las tarjetas de abono anuales, mediante targeta bancaria, para el uso de las bicicletas en distintos puntos de la ciudad, situadas junto a estaciones de metro o aparcamientos de la sociedad B:SM. Una vez introducidos sus datos y realizado el pago, el usuario recibe la tarjeta de abono en la dirección deseada."

News from Spain: Bike hire in Spain

News from Spain: Bike hire in Spain: "Madrid and other Spanish towns are considering introducing 'bicing', based on Barcelona's model of public hire of bicycles Madrid town hall is analysing how to introduce the use of publicly owned bicycles in the city a system already used in Barcelona known as ‘bicing’. Last summer a consultant from Madrid town hall went to Barcelona to study how their model of ‘bicing’ works."

Thursday 15 November 2007

new stations around diagonal / avda. sarria

these stations where removed from the map again, maybe they are not quite done yet.
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  • Avda. Diagonal,630 (Avda. Sarria)
  • Avda. Diagonal, 634
  • Avda. Diagonal, 650 (Numancia)
  • Avda. Diagonal, 664 (Pl.MŞ Cristina)
  • Avda. Diagonal, 668
  • Carrer de les Corts, 20
  • Comte Bell-lloch, 216
  • Figols, 1
  • Joan Güell,128
  • Taquigraf Serra, 18

bicing spotting: highest number seen = #2788

Tuesday 13 November 2007

bicing newsletter #7

The new newsletter is out and they mention the 141 stations now available, 2750000 uses of the system and 8000000 km taken on the bikes.

Sunday 11 November 2007

Barcelona made place 10 on 11 Most Bike Friendly Cities in the World

11 Most Bike Friendly Cities in the World – Bicycle friendly cities | Virgin Vacations: "Biking is a great way to become intimate with a city and get excercise at the same time. There are many amazing cities for biking throughout the world - these gems allow you to explore the city at ease and safely. The 11 most accessible and bike friendly cities are listed below, but these are merely a sampling of the bike friendly paradises that exist throughout the world. "
This is mainly because of the bicing service.

Friday 9 November 2007

The Guàrdia Urbana will inform owners of badly parked bikes posted 08/11/2007 at 16:33 h.

Bikes must not be padlocked to trees, traffic lights, benches or litter bins The Barcelona local police, the Guàrdia Urbana, have started a campaign to inform bike owners of parking restrictions.

Leaflets will be hung on the handlebars, and are to remind owners that, in the case of not complying with the bylaw on circulation of pedestrians and vehicles, they may be reported and the bikes removed.

The leaflet also informs owners of where it is not permitted to leave bikes: trees, traffic lights, benches and litter bins.

Bikes must also not be left in zones reserved for loading and unloading, parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities, by emergency exits, in front of hospitals, by bus stops, or by pedestrian crossings.

Thursday 8 November 2007

more bicing stations

These are on their map, but not announced yet.

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  • Alfons el Magnanim-Cristobal de Moura
  • Castella - Diagonal
  • Consell de Cent, 6
  • Gavŕ , 1
  • Gran Via, 181
  • Gran Via, 273
  • Joan Güell, 2-4
  • Passeig de Taulat-Bac de Roda
  • Passeig de Taulat - Jonquera
  • Passeig de Taulat - Provençals
  • Quetzal, 22-24
  • Rambla Badal, 129

Sunday 4 November 2007

some links

mapa bicing blog: another source for a printable up to date map of bicing stations. My (red and) white bicycle (Web only) By Rick Poynor analyzing bicing from a designers point of view Dispensadores de Bicing con problemas more people noticing problems with the bicing system. Europe Loves "Free" Bikes

bicing going to be spanish & catalan only?

Some Stations are only displaying messages in Spanish and Catalan now. I first thought they would just do this for the ones outside the center, but it seems they are changing some in the center too. I don't know why, or what system they are using. People who used the bicing website in the very beginning might remember that it had an english option in the early days. You can still find them with google: english version of news page. Well, this blog stays English, with the odd Spanish, Catalan or German post, if I can't be bothered to translate.

Friday 2 November 2007

four new stations

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  • c/Nàpols, 343-345 amb Sant Antoni Maria Claret
  • c/Enric Granados, 99
  • c/Aragó, 659 amb c/Clot
  • c/Guipúscoa, 67 amb c /Selva de Mar
Station 27 at Provenca 322 has been broken for one week now bicing spotting: highest bicycle number spotted so far 2544

Friday 26 October 2007

This Just In - Travel guides, travel tips, and trip planning advice for popular destinations from

This Just In - Travel guides, travel tips, and trip planning advice for popular destinations from "A spokesperson for Barcelona's program has confirmed that this process should work smoothly for American visitors. Weekly subscriptions are €1, or about $1.40;"
I didn't realize that they do weekly subscription. And with the current wait of three and more weeks until you receive your card you have to plan well ahead. » Blog Archive » El 10% de los usuarios del Bicing dejan en casa el vehículo privado » Blog Archive » El 10% de los usuarios del Bicing dejan en casa el vehículo privado
Octubre 26th, 2007 by Bicicanarias Su aportación a la movilidad sostenible es modesta, pero muy emblemática. Y solo es el principio. En poco más de medio año, el Bicing ya ha logrado cambiar algunos hábitos viciosos en el tráfico de Barcelona. Así, casi un 10% de los usuarios de la bicicleta pública han renunciado al vehículo privado para estos desplazamientos urbanos, que en general suelen ser bastante cortos.

6 new stations

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  • Ausiàs Marc, 122 - 128 cantonada amb Sardenya
  • Cartagena, 239 bis cantonada amb Provença
  • Girona, 126 cantonada amb Diagonal
  • Atlàntida, 82
  • Guipúscoa, 103 -105 amb Cantàbria
  • Guipúscoa, 158 amb Ca n'Oliva

Wednesday 24 October 2007

bikeradar: Paris And Barca Bike Schemes To Expand |

Paris And Barca Bike Schemes To Expand | "Barcelona's bike rental scheme is on a roll, with plans for fifteen times as many cycles as were available on day one. The start of the congestion-busting programme saw 200 two-wheelers for hire at 14 stations across the Spanish city in March."

Tuesday 23 October 2007

Monday 22 October 2007

Traffic bylaw focuses on protecting pedestrians and cyclists

Barcelona will have another 28 kilometres of cycle lanes in the coming months ... "What we want to do by introducing the bylaw is guarantee road safety, for example, by preventing cyclists from going through traffic lights on red or motor vehicles from using lanes reserved for bikes," said Mr Narváez. Apart from reporting on the application of the bylaw, he announced that the Council would create another 28 kilometres of cycle lanes in the city over the next few months. Two-way cycle lanes will be introduced on stretches of a number of streets, including Comte d'Urgell, Provença, Vilamari, Bruc, Muntaner and Ribes. Police statistics During the first month the Guàrdia Urbana penalised 262 cyclists for not respecting traffic lights and 92 for riding incorrectly, for example, on pavements of less than 5 metres or with less than 3 metres free space. They also penalised 273 two- and four-wheeled vehicles parked or stopped in cycle lanes and 483 for driving in a cycle lane. ...
I cut the non-bicycle bits, read the rest at the source. bicing-spotting: highest bike number=2336; new station under construction at: Carrer d'Enric Granados, 103

Friday 19 October 2007

poqueque - Mapa de Bicing

The guy from El blog del Edi has a pdf map with all bicing station, which he updates every now and then: poqueque - Mapa de Bicing

12 new stations 19.10.2007

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  • Passeig Marítim, 31
  • Plaça del Mar, 1 - 5
  • Passeig de Colom, alineada a la barana Rda. Litoral, davant del núm. 5
  • Pl. Joanic amb c/ Bruniquer, 59 -61
  • c/ Londres, 53
  • c/ Floridablanca, 31 - 33
  • Pl. Jean Genet, alineada a la tanca del col·legi
  • c/ Marqués d'Argentera, 1
  • Pg. Salvat Papasseït, 2
  • c/ Rosa Sensat davant del núm. 9 - 11
  • c/ Pujades, 1
  • c/ Viriat, 45

Tuesday 16 October 2007


Bicing: "16.10.2007 RESUELTAS LAS INCIDENCIAS DE LOS �LTIMOS D�AS EN LAS ESTACIONES BICING. Finalizado el proceso de adaptaci�n del software, ya puedes continuar disfrutando del Bicing con normalidad. Se ha finalizado el proceso de adaptaci�n del software del sistema Bicing que en los �ltimos d�as ha ocasionado interrupciones moment�neas en diferentes estaciones. Lamentamos las molestias que este hecho te haya podido ocasionar."
Seems like bicing have sorted out the software problems. Lets see how many users this one can deal with.

7.5th Floor � Blog Archive � Cyclist Dynamics in Barcelona

7.5th Floor � Blog Archive � Cyclist Dynamics in Barcelona
"Over the weekend, I collected minute-by-minute data of the usage of Bicing (community bicycle program in Barcelona) bikes. The animation of these spatio-temporal data slightly reveals the dynamics of “cyclists” hanging out at the beach on Sunday afternoon (left) and then returning downtown in the evening"
Fabien is doing statistics on bicing too. And I must say, his look much nicer.

Friday 12 October 2007

new station at the beach

Finally another station at the beach. And near my gym. Though probably still always full.

Thursday 11 October 2007

Bicing BSOD

Bicing BSOD
Originally uploaded by camars
bicing runs Windows

six new stations

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  • Passatge Mercader, 18
  • c/ Casanova, 141-149 enfront de l'estació 76
  • c/ Aragó, 629
  • Pl. Urquinaona, 11
  • Travessera de Gràcia, 92
  • c/ Indústria, 10

news from bicing

I wish they had a rss feed for their news. This was translated by google translate 09.10.2007 THE STATION OF THE C/PROVENÇA WITH THE C/ROGER OF LLÚRIA, WILL TEMPORARILY REMAIN OUT OF SERVICE. Until next warning, the Bicing station located in c/Provença nº 322, will remain out of service due to works of electrical canalization in this point. We communicated to you that the Bicing station of c/Provença with c/Roger of Llúria will remain out of service, due to the works of electrical canalization that are being executed in this point 05.10.2007 CHANGES IN THE SOFTWARE OF SYSTEM BICING With the purpose of improving the service they are estan making computer science readjustments that can cause some problems in the stations. During these days some changes are being made in the software of the Bicing system, this fact can cause that some stations are out of service sporadically. Since these problems are of short duration, we recommended to you that you wait for in the station minutes until the system recovers and can use the service. We are working to solve these problems with the greater possible brevity. You excuse the annoyances. 04.10.2007 WE TRANSFERRED STATION NÚM. 56 OF LOCATION. One of the two stations located in the Boulevard nº 3, is transferred to the Av. Vestibule of Sta. Madrona, 2-4. One of the two stations located in the Boulevard nº 3, tomorrow Friday will be out of service, to make the change from location to the Av. Vestibule of Sta. Madrona, 2-4. bicing watch Placa Universidad was broken this morning. Black Screen. Maybe because of the rain. bicing spotting Highest bike number seen so far: #2081

Wednesday 10 October 2007

bicing on "Red Sceen Of Wait"

It seems that bicing has noticed the problems with the "Red Screen Of Wait" too. Saying that the problems are usually short are a bit of an understatement though. I noticed people waiting for more than 15 minutes on a station and then giving up.
Apreciado/a usuario/a:

Debido a la instalación de nuevas estaciones Bicing y con la finalidad de mejorar el servicio, se están realizando readaptaciones informáticas, hecho que puede provocar que algunas estaciones dejen de funcionar momentáneamente. Dado que estas interrupciones son de corta duración, te recomendamos que esperes en la estación unos minutos, hasta que el sistema vuelva a estar operativo y puedas utilizar el servicio.

Estamos trabajando para que esta adaptación del sistema sea lo más rápida posible y tenga la mínima incidencia en los usuarios. Disculpad las molestias.

Servicio de atención al cliente

Monday 8 October 2007

stolen bicing is black

Well, I say stolen, it might not be. Maybe it was just phased out bicycle and someone worked on it to make it usable again. I noticed the bicycle today on Ronda Sant Antoni opposite of Miro. Why someone would take off the basket in front, remove all the mudguards and paint the whole thing black is a mystery to me. Wouldn't it be easier to steal a good bike? It is not like the bicing bicycles are any good. The brakes are usually broken (as in this bike), the gears are no good and the saddles tend to adjust them self down while you are riding. On the other hand it looks kind of cool in black and without the basket. A bit like a low rider for the poor.

no cycling on rambla catalunya

Cycling has be banned on Rambla de Catalunya for a while now, but I just managed to take a picture of the new signs on the pavements now. This is annoying, because it is the nicest way for me to commute to work. I guess this had to happen. Bicing made cycling in Barcelona so popular that the laws had to be changed to protect pedestrians. This also means that I can use the roads without feeling too bad. The motorists just have to get used to it now and it seems to work, riding on the road is much more relaxed now. Another solution would be more cycling lanes, but that takes time and in my opinion they are the most dangerous place to ride a bike unless there is a hard barrier between the lane, cars and pedestrians.

Friday 5 October 2007

C/Girona 126

bicing are building a new station at C/Girona 126. "Red Screen Of Wait" is still happening in the morning and evening.

Wednesday 3 October 2007

My first set of bicing statistics. I have been collecting them for a while and this is just a taste. I plan to do more statistics, for example: usage by bario, turnaround, number of unavailable station slots, number of stations over time, ... Tell me if you have more ideas.

Tuesday 2 October 2007



not enough phone lines

After the previous problems of bicing:
  • not enough stations at the beginning
  • full stations, because there are not enough vans moving them around
  • empty stations for the same reason and because there are not enough bikes
we got a brand new one now. Lets call it the "Red Screen Of Wait". It usually happens at the rush hour before or after work, the stations can't build up a phone connection to the main office and you have to wait and try again and again until you get through. It is not too bad, but I hope they will work on that problem.
They plan to increase the number of stations to 200 with 3000 bicycles till end of this year, so some more investment in to the rest of the system makes sense too.

first post

I thought I start a blog with some information about bicing. For those who are not familiar with bicing, have a look at the page on wikipedia. It is a public bicycle rental service in Barcelona which at the moment has 104 station and 1500 bicycles. It started early 2007 and proved to be pretty popular. I use it nearly every day to get to and from work, to the gym or the beach.