Friday 30 January 2009

Bike Snob NYC: Trendcycles: Evolution or Reiteration?

Bike Snob NYC: Trendcycles: Evolution or Reiteration?: "But rest assured, condom grips are a trend. In fact, it's an international trend. Another commenter from Barcelona (that's in Spain) points out that a company indeed markets handlebar condoms to protect riders who use their apparently filthy bike-sharing program" Bike Snob notices condoms for filthy Barcelona.

Thursday 29 January 2009

Fine: 217.50€ - GoloBlog

Fine: 217.50€ - GoloBlog: "I think it’s a good idea to check your user stats from time to time. Just to check that you didn’t do anything wrong" Interesting that the duration is 1 minute. I also had some errors in my usage. One day I managed to use the bike for 300 hours and then use another one a few minutes later on the same day.

Friday 16 January 2009

Cyclists had 492 accidents in Barcelona in 2008, a 11.3% increase

Los ciclistas sufrieron 492 accidentes en Barcelona en 2008, un 11,3% más This is with an increase of 13% in bicycle usage. 124 of the bicycle accidents were related to bicing. The city council is planning to build more cycle lanes like in C/Urgell to make cyclist feel safer.

Friday 9 January 2009

El área metropolitana se suma en bloque a la ampliación del Bicing | El Periódico de Catalunya | Barcelona

El área metropolitana se suma en bloque a la ampliación del Bicing | El Periódico de Catalunya | Barcelona: "tener su Bicing. Los plenarios de 14 de los 17 municipios que dispondrán del Área Bicing, el servicio metropolitano de préstamo de bicicletas similar al que funciona en Barcelona, ya han ratificado el convenio y el resto lo hará entre este mes y febrero." The metropolitan area of Barcelona will get Bicing too. The card will be compatible and the new stations and cycle lanes are in planing now.