Wednesday 2 January 2008

got bitten twice

This time I got bitten by the bicing computer problems too.

At the moment I am not able to use bicing, because the stations tell me that my card is not valid. They recognise it as a card, but not as a valid one. Whatever that means. I send them a email, lets see what happens.

Once I noticed this I checked my bicing account and noticed that they think I used a bike for 3h30m on the 20th. The start time is ok, as I used it to get to work, which takes 10m. For some reason the bicycle thinks I returned it at noon. This probably means paying a penalty unless they admit that this is an error

Well, lets see...


Anonymous said...

Maybe the credit card you used for signing up has expired. It happened to me a few months ago. I had to go the bicing admin page and change the expiration date of the card.

Christof Damian said...

I'll try to enter my credit card details again. Lets see what happens. Bicing hasn't replied to my email yet anyway.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, I'm still waiting for them to answer an email I've sent them months ago. You'll have to phone them or go to Bicing Customer Support Office at Plaça Carles Pi i Sunyer, 8.