Thursday 27 December 2007

Culture And Society: Bicing Blues Not Such a Smooth Ride For The Launch of Barcelonas Bike

Culture And Society: Bicing Blues Not Such a Smooth Ride For The Launch of Barcelonas Bike Sharing System

More complaints about the bicing service. They are always the same: some broken bikes, not enough stations, bikes get stolen and other cities are doing better.

Just keep in mind that bicing is at the very beginning, it is still one of the first of this kind of services worldwide. And as mentioned in the article, Lyon got 1000 bikes stolen right at the beginning, I don't think Barcelona is anywhere near this figure. And compared to the Metro, trains or busses it is bloody reliable.

Bicing made Barcelona a better city for me. Of course I complain when there is no bike available or no space to park mine. But by now there are so many stations around that I usually walk to the next one. Since a few weeks you can also check on a station for the next stations with available spaces/bikes.

Is bicing a success or a failure? Judge by yourself, sit down on a bench in the city centre and count the bicing bicycles passing by. I also think that usage of other bicycles has increased since the start of bicing, maybe people got the taste for it and want to use proper bicycles now.

And what are the alternatives anyway? Move to France, stop using public bicycles or start your own service.

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